Work Groups Are Such a Blessing

Summer greetings! We hope you are staying safe and having fun through this very warm season. I’m sure, like many of you, we’re in full motion this summer!

We were able to welcome 9 different groups over the summer for work group projects. We were able to put up new fencing, make great progress on the two new homes being built currently, refresh our gardens, scrape and paint our playground equipment, and one of our favorites, we got lots of fellowship time. From the bottom of our hearts, we’d like to thank each person that came to serve alongside us. You all are such an instrumental part of our ministry and fill our hearts with gratitude.

With several of our kids involved in extracurricular activities, we have been bustling with a busy summer schedule. Abby has been working hard at a nearby camp, serving in the kitchen and housekeeping. She is a hard worker and we have been so impressed with how she has carried out her responsibilities. Kierslynn was in the community theater program Mary Poppins as part of the chorus, and she did a wonderful job. Naomi took on her first softball season and found a big love for the game.

Kierslynn performing in “Mary Poppins”

We have also had several of our kids attending church camp and NYR. Each of our kids enjoyed their time and came back with great fundamental lessons for their faith walk.

Since our last update, we have had some household changes. Two of our boys left (Cody and Dean). We added a new family member, Jacob, who came to us at 15 and has already had a birthday with us. Kierslynn also has a summer birthday and turned 15. Edith had a birthday in May, meaning our youngest finally found the double digits!

With all the celebrations, we count our blessings. Among our greatest blessings is you. As we fill-up our gas tanks for play rehearsal, games, errands, and camps, we thank you for the ability.

As our kids are equipped with His Word, we thank you for giving our kids these opportunities. As we feed our always hungry army, take that same army for ice cream and to the swimming pool, we thank you. We are so humbled by your support through your prayers, donations and time. We are able to serve day after day because of the love you have poured into our ministry.

In Him,

Jeremy and Ashley Cohn

Jeremy & Ashley Cohn