Empowered by God’s Love and Yours
It is incredible that Thanksgiving and Christmas are knocking at the calendar’s door!
Shiloh has been richly blessed with many great and wonderful things this past year. A unified ranch site, a new home completed and two more under construction, children growing and healing through and in Christ-centered homes, and a future that is being sought to continue aligning with God’s will. We are so thankful for the opportunity to change young lives!
The ability to change more young lives is one step closer because of the incredible addition of two new homeparent couples. Shiloh wants to introduce Brian and Hannah Ellermets and Kam and Mickie Fitzgerald who will be joining our Shiloh Family in 2025! Their passion for God and for children will be an important dynamic in the continued growth that God is presenting to our Shiloh ministry. Please pray for these two couples as they prepare to make a difference in children’s lives.
All the above circumstances can be summed up in one word, momentum. Momentum has occurred due to God’s blessing and yours, our faithful donors and partners in ministry. I want to impress upon you how important your commitment to Shiloh is and to our Shiloh Family. Our mission of providing Christian homes to the children that God entrusts to us has this momentum because of God’s providence and your willingness to partner with us. Thank you for always thinking of our Shiloh children with your love and prayers.
As we move towards greater opportunities to love and care for children, I want to thank you for your ever faithful support and how you can make important contributions of prayer, love, and support for Shiloh going forward. Thank you for allowing God to use you in making Shiloh a place for children to call home and learn of God’s love for them.
Our Shiloh Family wishes you a wonderful holiday season as we thank God for our many blessings and the gift of our Savior Jesus Christ.
In Christ’s Love,