What to Expect After Applying

It is important that you maintain contact with the placement team throughout the application process. In most cases, the placement team will reach out to you if they need something, but you are encouraged to initiate contact if you have not heard from a placement team member for an extended period of time. While this can feel like an overwhelming task, it is our goal to make it as simple as possible. 

Placement Representatives will review your child’s application and provider records. Someone will contact you if an appropriate placement is not available or Shiloh cannot adequately meet the needs of your child.

The Placement Team will review and discuss your child’s application as a group at an upcoming placement review meeting.

If accepted, the application will be presented to a Homeparent couple for review.

Homeparents review the application and supporting documents to ensure they feel they can meet the needs of your child and he or she is a good fit for their home. 

If the application is accepted by the Homeparents, you will be contacted to arrange a face-to-face interview and tour of the ranch site.

If the application is declined, it may be submitted to a second Homeparent couple. If there is not another suitable opening, your child’s application will be held as pending should an opening become available.

If a child’s application has been declined by two Homeparent couples, you will be notified by a Placement Team member and your child’s application will no longer be considered for placement.

If all parties agree to move ahead with placement, a date will be set.

If your child is an out-of-state placement, please note that a placement date cannot be set until an Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children is approved by both Missouri and the state in which the child resides.

At the time of placement, the child’s legal guardian(s) must provide Shiloh with the child’s ORIGINAL Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, and Health Insurance Card(s). If health insurance coverage is through a parent’s employer, identifying information for the account holder must also be provided.

Parents must sign the Power of Attorney, Custody Agreement, and all other necessary placement documents at that time.

Please note: Power of attorney and Custody Agreement do NOT assign legal or physical custody to Shiloh Christian Children’s Ranch. These agreements simply allow representatives of Shiloh to act on behalf of your child while they are in placement. Such acts may include but are not limited to applying for health coverage in the child’s placed county, medical treatment, medication administration, fulfilling school enrollment requirements, opening a savings account for the child’s allowance, and acquiring a driver’s permit or license.