Shiloh’s School Uses Multiple Approaches

We just finished our first quarter and were excited to have two of our students make Honor Roll! In our school, it’s not just an academic requirement but also in­volves memorizing our monthly Scripture verses…. besides the ones each of their PACEs require then they have tests! So blessed to be able to pour into our students from God’s Word and so proud of these two for their extra efforts and achievements!

We had a field trip last month to Old Threshers where they were able to see and learn from local volunteers who taught them everything from being a blacksmith to an old-fashioned printing machine to a whole village from the past! Some of them were volunteers with the blacksmith as he shaped metal…. we rode an old steam engine train… watched a huge saw trim lumber…and more!

This week we began Red Ribbon Week where we teach them to take stands against drugs, bullying, and to stand up for what’s right. They’re enjoying our theme days where we dress up and focus on “Western Wednesday….Give Drugs the Boot!” or “Fan Friday…It takes a team to stand up for what’s right!”

We have enjoyed getting to serve every other month at our local Food Pantry again. Our students do a great job loading up carts and putting the groceries into vehicles that come through the food line. Learning to put others above ourselves is a lesson that often goes beyond the classroom into life’s classroom and something we feel is vital to teach.

Thanks for supporting our school, our staff, and our stu­dents ….and for enabling us to reach and teach children that need a “little extra”! Feel very blessed!

In His service,
Ken & Beth Penfield
Shiloh Christian School Administrators