Joy in the Journey
As the leaves finally began to show hints of color today, I thought of how the season of life has also changed for Ken and I this past year. After always having a kid or two…or five…ten or more part of our daily lives since we began having kids in 1983, then even more when we came to Shiloh in 1998, it feels pretty weird when it’s only the two of us in the house at times.
Being able to offer relief for our other homeparents has not only made me appreciate those who did that for us in the past but also brings even more purpose into what we can offer this ministry. We understand the need sometimes to just catch your breath or get caught up on things…. or being able to spend some one-on-one time with your own children who continue to sacrifice time with their parents so they can expand their love to even more children. It’s kind of like living out “I’ve got your back!” whenever and however help is needed.
Really enjoy the days we do relief and the house becomes loaded with backpacks, suitcases, and shoes that keep popping out of the cubbies…..stories of how school went that day…and loading up to go watch a sibling’s ballgame together with a bag of sandwiches and treats. Finally getting to where we know which group of kids always requests biscuits and gravy for breakfast and which were craving homemade doughnuts! Many of the kids see us as a Grandma and Grandpa kind of role now…. which we can handle….but we don’t let them get away with as much as they’d like!
Ken’s been able to go out at times to supporting churches to speak on behalf of our ministry and share updates on what’s going on in recent months. We love getting to share with them our new homes being built, prospect of expanding to be able to care for 60 kids on our site, stories of kids who have recently graduated or updates from past kids.
By the time the next newsletter comes out, it will be yet another season and, prayerfully, we will have five full-time families to split relief duties with our other relief parents, Ryan and Kimber Stark. It’s exciting times as we watch God at work … being able to help more children and families in need…. thanks to your prayerful encouragement and support! You are so appreciated!
In His service,
Ken & Beth Penfield