Change, Transition & Building

This has been my statement on repeat when people ask how life is going. Life has been crazy busy, but that is a good thing. That means we are blessed with a house of kids who get to do things. They are being respectful (most of the time), responsible for their grades, chores, and details of activities, and fun to be around. This fall Ezmae and Elisha have been great cheerleaders for their big sibs. They have gone to watch cross country races for Titus and Ezra. Enjoyed middle school football games watching Hunter. They love Friday night lights. Maybe to watch Grace and Ashley cheerlead. Maybe to watch Ashley as drum major of the band. Possibly, to watch Titus, Heaven, and Grace in the half time show. Most likely, for the popcorn, Blue Powerade, and running in the field by the stands with their friends. Mirlanda like music events best, but is most excited for Mondays when she gets to go to high school girls Bible study. She does not talk much, but being part of the group has been a blessing to her. Luke has not enjoyed the busy-ness, but continues to grow in his piano and enjoyed being on the Bible Bowl team at church.
As I think on this season of our lives. I am thankful for “such a time as this.” As my little people have grown into big people there are many memories of the line of ducklings that followed us everywhere. That season was priceless and such a blessing, BUT this season is too. God orchestrated the perfect house dynamics for this season of change, transition, and building. It is a blessing for one of us to be able to attend all the kids’ events, because we are not both needed at home with a child who needs extra effort. It has been a blessing to have extroverted little people who do not mind going and doing things, and for the most part handle it well. It has been a blessing to have room to celebrate and mourn the end of an era so to speak.

So, I will seek to remain thankful in this season of attending countless games, performances, and dealing with the emotional meltdowns that come with being on the go (mine included). Thankful for healthy kids. Thankful for kids who do amazing at school. Thankful for kids who are healing, bonding, and maturing. Thankful for being provided for so AMAZINGLY that although I think through if a purchase is good stewardship, I NEVER question if we will have enough money for food, clothes, or activities. Thankful for a group of kids with amazing Biblical knowledge, while I continue to pray that their hearts and minds continue seeking to make their faith their own. Thankful for a church family and community who loves, supports, and encourages both kids and home parents. Thankful for YOU, for your prayers, your financial support, and for the love and encouragement many of you show our kids on a personal level. Through this season we will count our blessings, and one of them is you. THANK YOU!

The Moores